A Strategic Thinking and Realization on Taiwan Emerging Industries Transformation—Applying Enterprise Architecture Approach
摘要: 近年来台湾经济发展已面临瓶颈,经济成长率并未能转化为生活果实,整体就业不振,薪资普遍降低,整个社会因此感到景气低迷。如何协助产业在遽变环境下,掌握关键技术,强化产业价值链成员本身营运与财务体质,加速转型,降低其受市场波动所带来冲击,实属目前政府及产业辅导机构等之重要推展课题之一。面对日益严峻国际竞争条件恶化,台湾产业转型已刻不容緩,正推动“制造业服务化、服务业科技化与国际化、传产业特色化”之产业转型大政策,透过彻底转型手段,以突破经济发展困境。欲落实台湾产业转型战略,必须透过一个价值链有效转型共同协作之战略规划过程,以具体实现价值群组经营目标和战略,藉由具有宏观视野,“博而精”之“转型推手”群,从战略规划,产业需求,关键技术,创新制造,到营销服务,建构产业价值创造链。本文综合台湾产业转型关键因子与落实产业转型实践所需,提出“产业发展架构模型”,并阐述如何运用“企业架构”方法,创造产业价值,以达成产业转型目标。
Abstract: Taiwan has identified the six emerging industries to lead the new transformation initiative of in-dustry development. To achieve the success of transformation requires a flexible approach of making the strategies and the implementation to respond the rapid change economy environment. The Enterprise Archi-tecture is a proven management framework, through its rigorous description language, the stakeholders can model the real world challenges into components and their inter-relationship in a hierarchical structural way. This article, applying the Enterprise Architecture methodology, presents: 1) an Industry Development Archi-tecture Reference Model to illustrate how the industrial value chain works closely to create innovative value; 2) a Strategic Thinking Model to help the stakeholders understand the current situation and the feasibility of the business goal; 3) a Requirement Reference Architecture to link product, services, and the participants; and 4) a Technical Reference Architecture to illustrate how to trigger the product enhancement process.
文章引用:李智. 台湾新兴产业转型战略与实践—运用企业架构方法[J]. 现代管理, 2013, 3(2): 61-69.


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