Pondering of Teaching Reformation of the Course of Cadastral and Real Estate Surveying in Higher Vocational Colleges
摘要: 结合高职测绘类专业《地籍与房产测量》的教学实践,分析了理论与实践教学过程中存在的有关问题,有针对性地对教学内容、方法及手段提出了一些改革建议。 Combining the teaching practice of the “Cadastral and Real Estate Surveying Course” in higher vocational colleges, the problem in the teaching process is analyzed, and some reform suggestion of teaching content, method and practice, which will improve teaching quality, is brought up.
文章引用:葛山运, 周宏达, 王云, 李建. 高职“地籍与房产测量”课程教学改革的探析[J]. 测绘科学技术, 2013, 1(1): 1-4. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/GST.2013.11001