A Study on the Credit Card Usage Behavior by College Students in Beijing
摘要: 本文以信用卡的“获得”、“使用”和“处理”三个阶段对信用卡消费行为进行了分析,同时从金钱态度、信用卡态度方面研究了其和信用卡消费行为间的关系。研究发现,金钱态度的“金钱与未来”因子与信用卡消费行为显著相关;信用卡态度越是正面的个体,越倾向于使用信用卡的各项功能。
This dissertation studied credit card using behaviors from processes——acquisition,consumption,and disposal. Whatever ,we also analyzed the relationships between credit card using behaviors with factors,money attitudes and credit card attitudes. The results showed that the factor——money and the future ,are significantly correlated with credit card usage behavior, and individuals who have positive credit card atti-tudes are more likely to use the credit cards’ different functions.
文章引用:何竹. 北京大学生信用卡消费行为研究[J]. 现代市场营销, 2011, 1(1): 7-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/mom.2011.11002


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