An Empirical Study on the Efficacy of Interactive Emotion between a Vocational College Teacher and Her Students and on Her Professional Emotion
摘要: 作为中国整个教育体系的重要一环,我国的职业教育近年来取得了长足的进步。而高等职业院校教师的专业发展也成为了研究界关注的热点。本文主要关注高职院校英语教师如何实施旨在提高师生情感互动效能的新策略,通过问卷调查法、反思法、叙事研究法及学生日志法进行实证研究,并得出结论:“情感教学”对提高英语教学效果与教师素质有重要的意义,师生良好的情感互动效能对教师职业情感发展具有情感促进作用。此项实证研究在提高高职院校英语教学效果以及教师专业发展能力方面具有一定的积极意义和参考价值。 As one important part in the national educational system, vocational education has achieved a great improvement in the last decades. Consequently, the professional development of the teachers in the higher vocational colleges has become one of the hottest issues for the research community. The paper, through questionnaire, reflective approach, narrative account, and students’ diaries, etc., focuses on the im-plementation of the new strategy to improve the efficacy of interactive emotion between a vocational college teacher and her students. It is concluded that affective teaching is of great significance to improve the voca-tional English teaching efficacy and teacher quality, and the efficacy of interactive emotion between the teacher and the students can promote the development of professional emotion. Such an empirical study might prove to be positive and worthy of use for reference for improving the effective of vocational English teaching and the teachers’ professional development.


文章引用:蒙诗茜. 高职院校师生情感互动效能与教师职业情感的实证研究[J]. 职业教育, 2013, 2(3): 33-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/VE.2013.23006


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