From Intonation to Tone——The Case of Utterance-Final Particles “aa” and “wo” in Cantonese
摘要: 文提出粤语某些句末语气助词当承载不同边界调时,能产生一套只有调值差别的近音句末语气助词:甲、HLR;乙、RLH。这两组句末助词的声调有四种来源:R是由合成助词呀嗄简化而来;R极可能是从虚化成据由助词后所带的字调;其它的是在两个提示话语行为的边界调作用下,通过调型字调化而形成的。其中,高调值(H)源于边界调【H】,其语用功能为邀请受话者进行积极话语活动;低调值(L)源于边界调【L】,其语用功能为说话者没有跟受话者进一步进行话语交流的期望。
Abstract: This paper points out that some utterance-final particles in Cantonese can bear different boundary tones, which gives rise to a set of quasi-homophones that contrast merely in pitch, e.g. (a) “aaH”, “aaL”, “aaR” and (b) “woR”, “woL”, woH”. These two sets of quasi-homophonous particles have four suprasegmen- tal sources: “aaR” is resulted from contraction of the compound “aa-haaR”; the evidential marker “woR” is likely to have been grammaticalized from waa33/waa23 “say”; the remainder emerged through localization of the boundary tones: [H] and [L]. The high tone of the particles originated from [H], which signals invitation of the interlocutor’s active participation in speech act, whereas the low tone originated from [L], whose pragmatic func- tion is to indicate that the speaker does not expect the interlocutor to further participate in speech exchange.
文章引用:丁思志. 从语调到声调——以粤语句末语气助词“呀”、“喎”为例[J]. 现代语言学, 2013, 1(2): 36-41. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2013.12007


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