The Semantic Background and the Grammatical Meaning of the Adverb Dao——The Connection between the Textual Function and the Modal Function
摘要: 不少研究已对“倒”的篇章功能进行了探讨,但主要将“倒”的情态功能及用法视为其周边性用法,并没有给予足够的重视。另外,这些研究虽然进一步将两种功能进行了区分,却没有明确地说明二者之间的关联性。因此,本文以“倒”的语义背景和语法意义的重新认识为基础,对篇章功能和情态功能进行考察。在考察过程中,利用语义背景图式以及语法意义,试图对“倒”的多样用法做出统一解释。最后,本文指出两种功能之间的内在联系。
Abstract: Most studies have expounded the textual function of the adverb Dao. However, these studies mostly considered the modal function and the usage of Dao as a non-nucleus usage. In addition, although the studies distinguished the two functions, they have not pointed out the connection between the two yet. Therefore, this paper discusses the textual function and the modal function by describing the semantic back- ground and the grammatical meaning of Dao. In the following, the paper will use the semantic background schema and the grammatical meaning to illustrate all of the usage of Dao in whole. Finally, this paper points out the connection between the textual function and the modal function.
文章引用:中田聪美. 副词“倒”的语义背景和语法意义——篇章功能和情态功能之间的内在联系[J]. 现代语言学, 2013, 1(2): 65-71. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2013.12013


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