Study of Sinosphere and Sino-Japanese Relations

2000的中日文化交往,使日本对于孕育自身文化的汉字文化持有一种异常复杂的心理,从始初的崇拜模仿到后期的抵制挣脱又至现在回归这一过程如同中日关系的历史脉动,无不具有一定的启示。本文力求通过分析汉字文化圈演变的历史过程,就汉字文化圈如何在中日关系上所起的作用作一研究。 During nearly 2000 years’ Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges, Japanese shows a very complex mentality on the Chinese character culture where Japanese culture is gestated, from imitation and worship at the beginning to the later resistance and even breakaway, till today’s gradual return to the Chinese character culture. This process shows the historical pulsation of Sino-Japanese relations, which definitely gives us some enlightenments. This paper seeks to make a research on the Sinosphere to find out the role that it plays in the Sino-Japanese relations by analyzing the historical evolution process of the Sinosphere.

文章引用:刘少东, 金鑫. 汉字文化圈与中日关系研究[J]. 历史学研究, 2013, 1(2): 25-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2013.12004