A General Review on Mitigation Measures for Railway and Urban Rail Transit Vibration
DOI: 10.12677/OJAV.2013.13004, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 4,407  浏览: 16,594  国家科技经费支持
作者: 赵悦, 肖新标, 关庆华, 金学松*:西南交通大学牵引动力国家重点实验室,成都
关键词: 铁路交通城市轨道交通减振隔振减振扣件轨道结构Railway; Urban Rail Transit; Vibration Mitigation; Vibration Isolation; Vibration Damping Fastening; Track Structures
摘要: 本文简单论述了国内外关于环境振动控制的标准、测量方法以及我国铁路环境振动特征。详细阐述了国内外铁路交通的各种减振措施及其减振性能,包括轨道交通系统中振动源控制措施、传播途径控制和受振对象被动隔振措施。振动源控制措施主要是车辆振动控制措施、降低轨道不平顺和钢轨振动控制措施。车辆振动控制措施主要是关于轻型化设计、轴距合理设计、车辆悬挂系统的合理设计、弹性车轮、阻尼车轮以及车轮镟修等优化动力学特性的减振措施。轨道不平顺和钢轨振动控制措施是关系到重型钢轨的使用、钢轨科学打磨策略、钢轨接头处理和阻尼钢轨的使用。振动传播途径控制措施涉及到减振扣件、弹性垫层、弹性减振轨枕、多种减振轨道结构和大地传播隔振措施。受振对象被动隔振主要在建筑物基础进行隔振处理。相关内容可为铁路交通减振措施的选择提供借鉴和参考。
>This paper gives a brief introduction to the standard measurement methods of environmental vibration at home and abroad, and characteristics of railway environmental vibration in China. Various mitigation measures for railway vibration are presented in detail. They include vibration source control, route control of vibration transmission and vibration isolation measures for protected objects near rail transport systems. Vibration source control mainly con-tains vehicle vibration control, reducing the track irregularity and rail vibration control. Vehicle vibration control mainly indicates the design of light-weight vehicle, rational wheelbase, suspension system, and resilient wheel, damped wheel, wheelset-turning repair, and optimizing the dynamic characteristics. Track irregularity and rail vibration control are re-lated to the use of heavy rail, scientific strategies of rail grinding, treatment of rail joint and the use of damped rail. Route control of vibration transmission is involved in damping fastening, elastic pad, elastic damping sleeper, various vibration damping track structures and ground vibration isolation measures. The vibration isolation measures for the protected objects are mainly to consider setting their foundation isolation. The present paper provides the references and guides for how to choose mitigation measures for railway vibration.
文章引用:赵悦, 肖新标, 关庆华, 金学松. 铁路及城市轨道交通减振措施研究综述[J]. 声学与振动, 2013, 1(3): 20-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJAV.2013.13004


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