MOOCs: Worldwide Knowledge Network and Think Tank
DOI: 10.12677/AE.2013.34020, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 3,431  浏览: 10,442 
作者: 路翰娜:广州市脑科医院 科教信息科,广州;香港中文大学 精神科学系,香港
关键词: 公开课网络平台教育资源MOOCs开放源 Open Course; Internet Platform; Educational Resource; MOOCs; Open Access


Abstract: In the age of “small-world” on the Internet, the massively open online courses (MOOCs) have become cutting-edge methods to share the free educational resource worldwide. There are hundreds of courses held by universities or other integrative platform in recent 5 years, which benefit the knowledge lovers all over the world. Just like the Indian philosopher Krishnamurti recommended “Education and the Significance of Life”, it is possible that people share the MOOCs on the internet. However, is MOOCs free meal, and how do people optimally select the course? In this article, we will discuss and analyze these considerations in the way of summary.
文章引用:路翰娜. 网络公开课:世界范围内的知识网络与学科智库[J]. 教育进展, 2013, 3(4): 105-109.


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