Athletes’ Sports Participation Effect Model
DOI: 10.12677/APS.2013.12007, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,701  浏览: 13,022 
作者: 许吉越:朝阳科技大学休闲事业管理系,台中;俆志辉, 王明月:朝阳科技大学通识中心,台中;黄竹杭:北京体育大学研究生院,北京
关键词: 结构方程模式运动动机运动涉入运动效益运动员满意度Construction Module; Sport Motivation; Sport Involvement; Sport Benefit; Athlete’s Satisfaction
摘要: 目的:本研究旨在探讨技击运动员的运动动机、运动涉入、运动效益及运动员满意度之关系,并试图建构运动参与行为因果模式。方法:以我国大专校院技击运动员为研究对象,共发出405份问卷,有效问卷382份回收率94.43%,所得数据以结构方程模式及Logistic回归分析进行统计分析。结果:一、运动动机、运动涉入、运动效益及运动满意度量表具有高的信效度,可用于对运动员参与行为特征的准确测量。二、技击选手运动动机与运动涉入、运动效益及运动员满意度呈直接且正向的影响。三、运动员运动行为参与的模式符合运动动机、运动涉入、运动效益及运动员满意度之四因素交互模型,整体运动参与行为模式对运动员的表现具有帮助。结论:建议举办优异运动名人说明会、运动健康讲座与媒体广告营销活动,以扩大运动员持续运动参与行为动机及涉入程度;寻求企业资源结合完善运动整体环境、设备、就业资源,以提升运动效益和运动员满意程度,并推动政府订定保障运动员及运动相关法规的具体做法等策略,对推展运动员的参与行为有所帮助。
Abstract: Purpose: This study is to investigate the relationship among Taiwan athletes’ sport motivation, sport involvement, sport benefit, and athletes’ satisfaction, and to construct a cause-and-effect module of athletes’ participation. Method: The samples were Taiwan College athletes, a total of 405 questionnaires were deployed, and 382 of them were returned effectively (94.43%). The data were analyzed by Independent Construction and Logistic Linear Regression. Results: Which indicated that first, sport motivation, sport involvement, sport benefit, and athletes’ satisfaction had higher efficiency, and they could be used to examine athletes’ behavior. Second, there were significant differences among athletes’ satisfaction, involvement, and sport effectiveness. Third, the participation module of Taiwan athletes fit the module of four factors’ reciprocation of sport satisfaction, sport involvement, sport efficiency, and sport satisfaction. Through sport involvement and motivation, athletes’ satisfaction could be influenced. Conclusion: By holding famous athletes’ seminars, media broadcasting, athletes can receive more sport effectiveness. Besides, developing well-designed policies for athletes, seeking sponsorship from industries, and exploring government’s support would be helpful to improve athletes’ participation.
文章引用:许吉越, 俆志辉, 黄竹杭, 王明月. 技击选手运动参与行为模式构建[J]. 体育科学进展, 2013, 1(2): 32-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/APS.2013.12007


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