Application of nrDNA-ITS Sequences in Plant Phylogeny and Evolution
DOI: 10.12677/BR.2014.31007, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 4,000  浏览: 20,610  科研立项经费支持
作者: 刘锡红, 张 磊, 李 刚, 覃 瑞, 刘 虹:中南民族大学生命科学学院,南方少数民族地区生物资源保护与综合利用工程中心,武汉
关键词: ITS序列系统发育裸子植物被子植物高级结构ITS Sequence; Phylogenetic Development; Angiosperm; Gymnosperm; Advanced Structure
摘要: 本文就核rDNA (nrDNA)ITS区序列在植物系统与进化研究中的应用进行了讨论。nrDNA是植物系统发育研究中广泛应用的重要核基因片段5.8S rDNAnrDNA的内转录间隔区分为ITS1ITS2两部分。被子植物中ITS1的长度为165~298 bpITS2的长度为177~266 bp;裸子植物中ITS片段较长,且其长度变化主要由ITS1的长度变异所致。由于ITS序列变异较快,能够提供较丰富的变异位点和信息位点,已成为被子植物较低分类阶元的系统发育和分类研究中的重要分子标记,为探讨多倍体复合体网状进化关系,异源多倍体的起源提供了重要的系统学信息。
Abstract: The application of nuclear rDNA ITS sequences in plant phylogeny and evolution analysis was discussed in this paper. Nuclear rDNA is an important nuclear gene fragment, which had been widely used in phylogenetic studies. The internal transcribed spacer of nuclear rDNA was divided into ITS1 and ITS2 by 5.8S rDNA. The length of ITS1 ranges from 165 bp to 298 bp in angiosperms, and the length of ITS2 ranges from 177 bp to 266 bp. ITS sequence is relatively longer in gymnosperms. It much depends on the length of ITS1. As mutate quickly, ITS sequences are capable of providing many variable sites and informative sites, which has become an important molecular marker in plant systematic development and classification researches within low-order angiosperm categories. AT the same time, it can prove important systematic information for exploring polyploidy reticulate evolution and allopolyploid origins.
文章引用:刘锡红, 张磊, 李刚, 覃瑞, 刘虹. nrDNA-ITS区序列在植物系统与进化研究中的应用[J]. 植物学研究, 2014, 3(1): 32-40.


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