Internet Cognitive Failure and Self-Efficacy Predict Vocational Students’ Blended Learning Interest and Anxiety Reflect to Learning Engagement


The important role of internet cognitive failure may create the difficulty in learning process and promote or inhibit an individual’s blended learning interest or anxiety. To understand this issue, the present study applied blended teaching approach by using YouTube for students to learn accounting and face to face to discussion in classroom. Effective data of 236 from vocational students, aged 16 - 17, to confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results revealed that Internet cognitive failure was positively correlated to blended learning anxiety, but negatively correlated to blended learning interest. Internet self-efficacy was positively correlated to blended learning interest but negatively correlated to blended learning anxiety. Blended learning interest and anxiety were positively associated with learning engagement. The result implied that blended learning may create “psyched up” during using YouTube to learn accounting and it needs more studies to verify.

文章引用:陈德郁. 高职生混成学习环境中之学习现象探讨计算机自我效能与网络信息认知力的学习兴趣、学习焦虑与学习投入[J]. 教育进展, 2014, 4(3): 63-67. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2014.43B012