Sustainable Energy-Based Low-Carbon Product Performance Evaluation Method
摘要: 在基于可持续能源的产品设计过程中,产品低碳设计对象具有大量的定性和定量相结合的复杂知识,而如何利用上述不完备信息实现基于可持续能源的产品低碳设计的方案评价问题,是当前面临的一个挑战。本文通过建立基于可持续能源的低碳产品设计评价决策体系框架,实现了面向设计目录的基于可持续能源的产品多目标加权模糊层次分析法的综合评价。该模型采用多目标加权模糊层次分析法将低碳产品设计阶段的大量模糊定性知识转化成定量数据,从而实现智能化评价。该模型主要包含了五个模块:评价项构造模块、评价项权重求解模块、综合评价模块、设计师选择模块以及知识库管理模块。实践证明:上述基于可持续能源的产品低碳性能评价方法能够有效地支持产品低碳设计与评价决策。
Abstract: In the low-carbon design process of sustainable energy-based product, there are complex qualitative and quantitative knowledge and information in the design object of low-carbon product. It is a challenge to evaluate low-carbon design solutions in the sustainable energy-based low-carbon product design with the incomplete qualitative and quantitative information. This paper established sustainable energy-based product low-carbon design performance evaluation model for decision-making system based on design catalog. In this paper, a comprehensive evaluation of the design catalog for sustainable energy-based products based on multi-objective weighted fuzzy analytic hierarchy process was achieved, through the establishment of a sustainable energy-based low-carbon product design evaluation decision framework. With multi-objective weighted fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, fuzzy qualitative knowledge in low-carbon design will be transferred into quantitative data to realize intelligent evaluation. The model contains five modules: structure evaluation module, evaluation weight solution module, evaluation modules, select module and knowledge management module. It has proved that the above performance evaluation method of low-carbon product based on sustainable energy can effectively support product design and evaluation of low-carbon decisions.
文章引用:郁灵. 基于可持续能源的低碳产品性能评价方法研究[J]. 可持续能源, 2014, 4(3): 16-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SE.2014.43004


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