Experimental Investigation, Calculation and Analysis of Compressive Bearing Capacity of Squeezed Branch Piles
摘要: 挤扩支盘桩相比普通等截面桩具有承载力高、沉降小等特点。本文介绍了挤扩支盘桩承载机理以及多个抗压承载力计算公式,并分析支盘间距、支盘数量、支盘位置、支盘尺寸等因素对抗压承载力的影响。本文对宁波绕城高速公路东线一期的5根桩静载荷试验进行了分析,结果表明在同样承载力要求下,挤扩支盘桩比普通等截面桩节约材料30%以上,并通过五种抗压承载力计算公式的结果与实测资料进行了分析。
Abstract: Compared with ordinary straight piles, squeezed branch piles have advantages such as higher bearing capacity and lower settlement. The bearing mechanism of squeezed branch piles and five calculation formulas of compressive bearing capacity are discussed in this paper. Besides, the in- fluence of plate distance, plate number, plate position and plate diameter on compressive bearing capacity is analyzed. According to the static loading tests results of five piles of the first phase Ningbo City Eastern Expressway, under the same requirements for compressive bearing capacity, squeezed branch piles can save over 30% material more than ordinary straight piles. By using the results of the five calculation formulas of compressive bearing capacity and the measured data, the analysis is carried out.
文章引用:袁龙锦, 戴国亮, 龚维明. 挤扩支盘桩抗压承载力试验与分析[J]. 土木工程, 2014, 3(4): 103-109. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJCE.2014.34013


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