DOI: 10.12677/QRB.2014.11002, PDF, HTML,  被引量 下载: 3,208  浏览: 9,302 
作者: 郭明若
关键词: 对中国乳业现状的几点思考
摘要: 乳及乳制品已成为我国消费者的主要食物之一,中国乳制品的生产和消费规模与层次已取得明显的进步。但我国乳业还存在许多问题,其中乳制品安全就是我们应当首先应对的挑战。本文通过介绍美国乳业的现状和安全管理举措,结合我国乳业现状和存在问题,提出高度重视原料奶生产、细化产品包装标注、加强基础研究和进一步优化产品结构的切实可行的解决方案,以保证我国乳品工业健康可续发展。
Abstract: Milk and milk products have become a major part of their diet for Chinese people. The production and consumption of dairy foods have increased significantly during the last decade. But many problems still exist in China’s dairy industry and the safety of dairy products remains a challenge. This article describes the situation, management, regulations of the American dairy industry. The possible solutions were suggested to resolve the problems, including enhancing the raw milk production, refining the product packaging labels, strengthening basic research and further opti-mizing product structure, which will ensure healthy development of the dairy industry of China.
文章引用:郭明若. 对中国乳业现状的几点思考[J]. 千人·生物, 2014, 1(1): 1-2. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/QRB.2014.11002
