Look Back on Early History (50 Years) of Relativistic Celestial Mechanics (1916-1966)
摘要: 本文对相对论天体力学早期研究史(前半个世纪)做了回顾(1916~1966)。回顾了好些天文物理学着在前半个世纪在这个学科领域中所取得的研究成就,其中包括对相对论一体问题,二体问题和多体问题的研究结果,特别包括了二体问题中中心体自转以及自转液体星的形状和平衡理论的一些研究结果:给出了这些研究的文献。
Abstract: The development of Relativistic Celestial Mechanics had been undergone through the research of the problems of one-body, two-body (including lunar theory), many-body and rotating liquid body from the view point of the researched history. It had been undergone through the research of ri-gorous solution, post-Newtonian approximation, parametrized post-Newtonain method and high order post-Newtonian approximation method (post-post Newtonian approximation method). This paper only looks back mainly on the history of the early research of the relativistic celestial me-chanics (1916-1966) (50 years).
文章引用:李林森. 相对论天体力学早期研究史的回顾50年(1916~1966)[J]. 天文与天体物理, 2014, 2(2): 13-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AAS.2014.22002


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