Adaptability Study on Dividing Approach of Accurate Water Injection in Well Block D
DOI: 10.12677/IJFD.2014.23005, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,784  浏览: 8,426  科研立项经费支持
作者: 王 龙, 尹洪军, 赵 欢:非常规油气成藏与开发省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地,东北石油大学,大庆;张俊廷:中海石油(中国)有限公司,天津分公司渤海石油研究院,天津
关键词: 劈分系数法渗流阻力系数法分层注水精细注水注水调整Dividing Coefficient Approach Filtrational Resistance Coefficient Approach Separate Layer Water Injection Accurate Water Injection Water Injection Adjustment
摘要: 如何合理有效地确定分层注水量是注水调整过程中一个重要的研究方面。尤其是对于多层砂岩油层,层间非均质性较为严重,劈分的好坏将直接影响到开发效果。确定单井单层合理注水量,一方面可以有效地控制油井含水上升、减缓层间矛盾;另一方面可以减少无效注水、缓解采油和地面集输处理的工作负荷。常用的计算分层注水量劈分方法有有效厚度法、地层系数法、渗流阻力系数法及劈分系数法。本文将以上几种方法同时应用在D井区上,计算得到不同劈分方法的分层注水量。通过将劈分结果与吸水剖面资料对比,确定出劈分系数法是D井区的合理注水量劈分方法。
Abstract: How to determine the water injection rate of separate layers rationally and effectively is a key part of water injection adjustment. The quality of dividing will directly have an impact on the de-velopment effect, especially for multi-layer sandstone reservoirs with severe interlayer hetero-geneity. On one hand, the well determined rational water injection rate for a single layer and well can effectively control the rise of water and ease the tension of interlayer contradiction; on the other hand, it can also reduce inefficient water injection and lessen the burden of oil production and surface gathering. Commonly, the effective thickness approach, formation coefficient approach, filtrational resistance coefficient approach and dividing coefficient approach are used to determine the water injection rate of separate layers. The approaches mentioned above are all used to determine the water injection rate of separate layers in Well Block D. By comparing the results and injection profile, the rational dividing approach can be determined.
文章引用:王龙, 尹洪军, 张俊廷, 赵欢. D井区精细注水劈分方法适应性研究[J]. 流体动力学, 2014, 2(3): 46-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/IJFD.2014.23005


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