Thinking of “Make an Issue of Incremental Interest” in Economic Law
摘要: “增量利益做文章”是新一轮利益格局改革中至关重要的方面。具有私有财产属性的存量利益“神圣不可侵犯”,对其“做文章”没有正当性。在社会化大生产中已经形成了人与人之间“合作创造–竞争实现–共同分享”的增量利益关系。在劳动力权的范畴下,人们合作创造的增量利益,必然要求“共同分享”,在增量利益上“做文章”便具有可行性。在增量利益上做经济法的“文章”,就是要在微观经济法上保障个人的“同创共享”公平,在宏观经济法上提升国家的“国际竞争”优势。
Abstract: Make an “issue” of incremental benefits is an essential part of the new round benefits pattern. In civil laws, owing to stock of interests has the attribute of private property, and it’s inviolable. So it’s improper to make an “issue” of it. But incremental benefits is created by people in cooperation and accomplished by competition, under the request of labor right; it has to be mutually-shared. Incremental benefits relationship formed in the socialized mass production with its common property determined by its production, so we have the necessity and possibility to make an “issue” about incremental benefits. To guarantee the personal justice of “getting what you have done paid” and the advantage of national “international competition”, we have to make an “issue” of incre-mental benefits.
文章引用:文禹衡. “增量利益做文章”的经济法思考[J]. 法学, 2014, 2(4): 34-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2014.24006


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