Problems and Solutions Analysis on Supply and Demand of Skilled Workers in Xinjiang—The Survey Data for the Samples in Key Industry
DOI: 10.12677/SSEM.2014.36010, PDF, HTML, 下载: 2,346  浏览: 7,012 
作者: 赵珂珂:新疆轻工职业技术学院经济管理分院,乌鲁木齐
关键词: 工业领域产业工人供需问题对策Industrial Sectors Skilled Workers Problems of Supply & Demand Solution
摘要: 本文采用问卷调查的方式对十四个地州近2000家企业开展重点产业供需状况调查,真实了解新疆企业用工现状、招工形式、用工需求和劳动力供给等问题,深刻剖析企业市场劳动力供给与需求不匹配的原因和症结,为新疆重点产业技能人才培养培训问题提出工作和政策建议,也为政府和企事业单位决策提供依据。
Abstract: This paper collects first-hand information about current situation of employment, recruiting, de-mands and supplies in Xinjiang key industries by the means of questionnaires carried out in almost 2000 companies located in 14 districts of Xinjiang. This paper focuses on analyzing the cause for mismatching of supplies and demands and provides corresponding advice and suggestions on skilled worker cultivating and training, as well as bases of relevant decisions taken by government and enterprises.
文章引用:赵珂珂. 新疆产业工人供需存在的问题及对策分析—以重点工业领域调查数据为样本[J]. 服务科学和管理, 2014, 3(6): 77-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/SSEM.2014.36010


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