The Estimated and Assessed Study on Tibet Urban-Rural Integration Situation
DOI: 10.12677/ULU.2015.32002, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,458  浏览: 6,518  科研立项经费支持
作者: 胡 洁:西藏大学经济与管理学院,西藏 拉萨
关键词: 城乡一体化评价指标体系综合评价主成分分析法Urban-Rural Integration Assessment Indicator System Comprehensive Evaluation PCA
摘要: 实现城乡发展一体化是城镇化的最终目的,也是解决“三农”问题的根本途径,本文从空间、经济、社会和生态环境四个方面构建了西藏城乡发展一体化的评价指标体系,运用主成分分析法测度了西藏城乡发展一体化水平。结果表明西藏2004~2013年的城乡发展一体化水平在不断提升,得益于城乡经济、空间和环境一体化水平的提升。不足处在于城乡社会的推动力度不够,并且城乡经济和社会公共服务存在显著的二元结构。最后在此分析的基础上,本文认为西藏未来城乡发展一体化的重点应该是在大力发展经济一体化的基础上,同步推进农村社会保障事业的发展。
Abstract: To realize the integration of urban and rural areas is the ultimate goal of urbanization, as well as the basic way to solve the problem of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”. This paper sets up an evaluation system in space, economy, and social and ecological environment, by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to evaluate the level of urban-rural integration in Tibet. The results in-dicate that the level of urban-rural integration in Tibet from 2004 to 2013 is rising because of the development of economy, space and ecological environment, but the society is insufficient. And there is obvious dual structure in the economy and public services between urban and rural areas. Finally, on the basis of the analysis, this paper argues that the focus of the integration of urban and rural development in the future of Tibet should be based on the developing of economic integration and promoting the development of rural social security undertakings.
文章引用:胡洁. 西藏城乡发展一体化水平测度与评价研究[J]. 城镇化与集约用地, 2015, 3(2): 7-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ULU.2015.32002


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