In Post-Crisis Era the Capitalist Countries’ New Changes and the China’s Reply
DOI: 10.12677/ACPP.2015.42006, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,572  浏览: 9,065  国家科技经费支持
作者: 王向明:中国人民大学马克思主义学院,北京;闫海潮:天津财经大学人文学院,天津
关键词: 再工业化民粹主义国际治理Reindustrialization Populism International Governance
摘要: 后危机时代资本主义失去了昔日的光环,处于深度调整期,出现了一系列引人注目的新变化:在经济领域,实施再工业化战略,抢占世界产业链的制高点;在政治领域,国家民粹主义再次泛滥,政局面临诸多不稳定、不确定因素;在国际领域,资本主义国家的作用相对下降,并采取不负责的手段阻碍国际格局和秩序转型。面对资本主义新变化,中国要以自身发展来做世界经济政治的稳定器,国际新秩序的推动者,同时要防止国内民粹主义化。
Abstract: In post-crisis era, the capitalist countries lost their former brilliance. In order to make adjustment, a set of remarkable new changes arise. In the field of economy, they implemented reindustrializa-tion strategy so as to seize the competitive edge on world industrial chain; in the field of politics, the fires of national populism burned dramatically and, in turn, the political situations were affected by a lot of unstable or uncertain factors; in the field of international affairs, with the decline of their original status, capitalist countries used some irresponsible artifice to hinder the transformation of international order. Faced with these new changes in capitalist countries, China, based on self-development, should stabilize global economy and politics, push forward the establishment of new international order, and prevent domestic populism.
文章引用:王向明, 闫海潮. 后危机时代资本主义新变化及中国的应对[J]. 哲学进展, 2015, 4(2): 28-35. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ACPP.2015.42006


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