The System of the Third-Party in Administrative Proceedings
摘要: 行政诉讼第三人制度是行政诉讼中一项重要的制度,发挥着保障诉讼第三人合法权益,提高法院审判效率,实现公正审判的作用,具有重要的理论与实践价值。《行政诉讼法》及其司法解释规定了第三人在行政诉讼中所享有的一系列权利以及应当履行的义务。通过与民事诉讼第三人制度进行比较,可以发现行政诉讼第三人制度存在着范围不清晰、类型不明确、权利保障不够的制度缺陷。行政诉讼脱胎于民事诉讼,用民事诉讼第三人制度的相关理论可以完善行政诉讼第三人制度。
Abstract: The system of the third-party, which has the important theoretical and practical value, is an im-portant system in administrative proceedings. It safeguards the legitimate rights of the third-party, improves the efficiency of the court trial, and achieves a fair trial. The Administrative Procedure Law and its judicial interpretation formulate a series of rights and obligations of the third-party in administrative proceedings. Compared with the system of the third-party in the civil procedure, the defects of the system of the third-party in administrative proceedings can be found, which include the ambiguous range and type and the inadequate protection of the third-party. Administrative proceedings originated in the civil procedure, and it is feasible to perfect the system of third- party in administrative proceedings with the relevant theory in civil procedure.
文章引用:韩亚倩. 论行政诉讼第三人制度[J]. 法学, 2015, 3(3): 43-47. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJLS.2015.33007