An Exploration into Cultural Source of Allegory Tradition in Pre-Qin Period
摘要: 先秦是人类历史发展的早期阶段,也是人类文化发展的发端时期。对后世文学产生深远影响的讽喻传统,最早可以追溯到先秦时期:言谏制度是将讽喻观与政治相结合的早期实践活动,而《诗经》以及《离骚》中体现怨刺精神的诗歌,则是讽喻传统的文学源头。
Abstract: Pre-Qin period is the early stage of human history, at the same time, it is also the beginning stage of human cultural development. Allegory tradition has a profound influence on the later literature, and it can trace back to the Pre-Qin period at the earliest. The system of remonstrating with the Emperor is a practical activity which combines allegorical view with the politics. Moreover, poetry of resentment in The Book of Songs and Lisao is the literature source of allegory tradition in Chinese literary history.
文章引用:陶文娟. 先秦文学中的讽喻传统溯源[J]. 国学, 2015, 3(3): 28-33. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2015.33007


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