The New Thinking on Confucianism and the Fate of Modern China—Review on “Continuity of Orthodoxy: Kuomingtang’s Transformation and Utilization of Confucianism (1927-1949)”
DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2015.34008, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,569  浏览: 6,447 
作者: 吴修申:阜阳师范学院历史文化与旅游学院,安徽 阜阳
关键词: 儒家思想现代中国命运新思考Confucianism The Fate of Modern China The New Thinking
摘要: 在《国民党实权派对儒家思想的改造与利用》一书中,作者以敏锐的问题意识、开阔的理论视野,强烈的现实关怀,对国民党的改造和利用儒家思想的行为进行了深入分析,认为此举有一定的可取之处,对当下中国如何传承儒家文化仍有借鉴意义。作者虽持论公允,新见迭出,但在细节处理方面,仍须进一步努力。
Abstract: In the book of “Kuomingtang’s Transformation and Utilization of Confucianism”, the author with keen problem consciousness, the open theory field of vision, strong reality concern, carried on the thorough analysis of the behavior of KMT’s Transformation and Utilization of Confucianism, thinks it has a certain merit, and how China inheriting Confucian culture still has reference significance. The author is balanced and come up with new ideas, but in detail processing aspect, still need to further efforts.
文章引用:吴修申. 儒家思想与现代中国命运的新思考—评《接续“道统”——国民党实权派对儒家思想的改造与利用(1927-1949)》[J]. 历史学研究, 2015, 3(4): 52-55. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJHS.2015.34008