Analysis of Influence of Fujian and Taiwan Destructive Earthquake in Quanzhou Area
摘要: 根据泉州地区城市发展的基本概况、闽台地震构造背景与地震活动性、历史及现今地震的调研与观测资料,研究与分析闽台主要断裂构造的基本概况、闽台地震活动时间与空间的分布特征及历史地震对泉州地区的影响。有关研究结果对认识闽台破坏性地震对泉州地区的影响,以及对做好震灾预防和震情跟踪等方面具有一定的现实意义与实际的应用价值。
Abstract: According to the basic situation of the urban development in Quanzhou, Fujian and Taiwan earthquake tectonic background, earthquake activity and history, and current earthquake survey and observation data, we analyzed basic situation of the main fracture structure between Fujian and Taiwan, the activity time and space distribution characteristics of Fujian and Taiwan earthquake, and the influence of the historical earthquakes in Quanzhou area. The results of the study have certain practical significance and application value for knowing about the influence of Fujian and Taiwan destructive earthquake in Quanzhou area, disaster prevention and seismic trace.
文章引用:郭皓, 林建生, 陈珊桦, 黄跃进, 谢文杰, 王建新, 陈新兴, 欧阳群. 闽台破坏性地震对泉州地区的影响分析[J]. 自然科学, 2015, 3(4): 247-261. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/OJNS.2015.34030


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