Parenting Style and Academic Achievement in Middle School Students: The Mediating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy
摘要: 采用父母教养方式量表和学业自我效能感量表(修订版)对陕西省某高中共816名高中生进行调查,以考察高中生父母教养方式对其学业成绩的影响,并检验学业自我效能感在其中的中介作用。结果发现:高中生学业自我效能感在父母教养方式与学业成绩间起完全中介作用,即高中生父母教养方式中的母亲情感温暖理解(MSS1)维度通过学业自我效能感影响学业成绩。
Abstract: To further test the effect of senior middle school students’ parenting style on academic achievement, and to check the mediating effect of students' academic self-efficacy, 816 students were ad-ministrated by the version of Egna Minnen av Barndoms Uppfostran revised by Yue Dongmei (EMBU) and the version of MORGAN-JINKS Student Efficacy Scale Revised Edition (MJSES) from two senior middle schools in Weinan city of Shaanxi province. Through statistical analysis, the results showed: Senior middle school students’ academic self-efficacy had a full mediating effect between senior middle school students’ parenting style and academic achievement, MSS1 positively pre-dicted academic achievement through students' academic self-efficacy.
文章引用:张少华 (2015). 高中生父母教养方式和学业成绩:学业自我效能感的中介作用. 心理学进展, 5(12), 828-834. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2015.512107


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