Brief Analysis of Teaching Ways of Chinese Idioms in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
摘要: 汉语中的成语在中国的汉语言文化中占据了不可忽视的地位。它是在长期的社会实践中积累形成的,具有典型中国特色的词汇。以汉语为第二语言的学习者学习汉语成语比较困难。随着对外汉语教学工作的深入发展,留学生学习汉语教程进入中高级阶段。我们不得不面对在对外汉语教学中成语教学带来的问题。本文对外汉语中成语教学现状、必要性、现行办法进行了分析,以期促进对外汉语教学中成语教学的发展,促进中国传统优秀文化更好的传播。
Abstract: Chinese idioms in the culture of Chinese language occupy the important position that can not be ignored. It is an accumulated formation in the long-term social practice, with typical Chinese cha-racteristics. The learners who learn Chinese as second language have trouble in learning Chinese idioms. With the further development of the teaching Chinese as a foreign language, students abroad to learn Chinese course step into middle or even advanced stage. We have to face the problems in teaching Chinese as a foreign language that idioms bring. The aim of this paper is to analyze the situation, the necessity and the current approach in the teaching of Chinese idioms in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
文章引用:王伟. 对外汉语教学中成语教学方法简析[J]. 现代语言学, 2016, 4(1): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ML.2016.41001


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