The P200 Component in Lexical Processing
摘要: 以视觉输入刺激进行的词汇加工能够诱发一个早期的事件相关电位(ERP)正成分P200,该成分起始于150 ms,结束于275 ms并在200 ms达到顶峰。P200成分作为一种内源性成分,其反映的词汇认知加工的内容和过程仍然存在较大的争论,P200可能既与字形加工,也与语音加工有关,且词汇加工和亚词汇加工都能诱发明显的P200;P200成分的复杂性更表现在它容易受到实验范式和任务的影响。将来的研究可以在实验范式和任务以及中英文材料在P200成分差异两方面进行拓展。
Abstract: The visual P200 is a positive going electrical potential of the event-related potential measured at the human scalp which peaks at about 200 ms varying between about 150 ms and 275 ms induced by visual input stimuli. Research on the visual P200 is still keeping unclear about the time course and stage of lexical processing. The P200 may reflect the orthographic processing and phonologic processing simultaneously. Moreover, it both relates to lexical processing and sub-lexical processing. It appears to be easily modulated by a large and diverse number of cognitive tasks and paradigms. In conclusion, future research should be focused on experimental materials, research method and the difference between Chinese and English language system, etc.
文章引用:谢敏, 杨青青, 王权红 (2016). 词汇加工研究中的P200成分. 心理学进展, 6(2), 114-120. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.62015


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