Study on Structural Transition and Effect on Employment of Strategic Emerging Industries in China
摘要: 随着中国战略性新兴产业的发展,新兴产业结构变动对劳动力就业、就业弹性将产生直接影响。本文分析了中国战略性新兴产业结构变动情况与产业就业现状,产业结构变动对就业的拉动效应,新兴产业平均就业弹性等。研究表明,新兴产业结构变动速度不够平稳,产业变动对就业的带动效应不够。因此合理调整战略性新兴产业结构,加强新兴产业结构变动对就业的良性带动作用,对实现产业结构有序平稳变动以及促进劳动就业率的上升意义重大。
Abstract: With the development of China’s strategic emerging industries, the structural transition of the emerging industries will exert direct impact on the employment and employment elasticity of the labor force. This paper analyzes the structural transition situation and employment status of Chi-na's strategic emerging industries, the promotion effect of industrial structural transition on em-ployment, the average employment elasticity of China’s seven strategic emerging industries, etc. Research results show that the transition speed in the emerging industrial structure is not smooth enough. The promotion effect on employment is not obvious. Therefore, it is important to reason-ably adjust strategic emerging industrial structure and strengthen the positive role of emerging industrial structure transition in employment, which will promote the orderly and smooth transi-tion of industrial structure and the rise of labor employment rate.
文章引用:周晓霞, 吴慈生, 孙尚. 中国战略性新兴产业结构变动与就业效应分析[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2016, 5(1): 87-97.


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