Mental Accounting and Decision Making: The Influence of the Sense of Time Value on Decision Predisposition in Mental Accounting of Time
摘要: 实验目的:重复Duxbury等(2005)的实验研究以验证在反向经典条件下心理账户效应是否存在;探究在时间心理账户下,时间价值感对决策偏好的影响。实验方法:采用Duxbury等(2005)实验的情景问卷对216名重庆师范大学生进行实验以及采用青少年时间管理倾向量表对81名重庆师范大学大学生进行施测。结果:被试付出的金钱数额在相对节省率上没有显著差异;时间价值感得分高的被试与得分低的被试付出的金钱数额在相对节省率上均没有显著差异。
Abstract: The purpose of the experiment: Repeated Duxbury et al. (2005) experiment to verify if there ex-isted the mental accounting effect in the reverse classic condition, and explore the influence of the sense of time value on decision predisposition in mental accounting of time. Experimental method: Using the Duxbury et al. (2005) experiment, 216 Chongqing normal university students and 81 college students in Chongqing Normal University were tested with Adolescence Time Management Disposition Inventory. Result: There is no significant difference in the amount of money paid of relative saving levels. There was no significant difference in the amount of money paid of relative saving levels by the subjects with high score of the sense of time value and low score.
文章引用:龙海舟 (2016). 心理账户与决策权衡:时间心理账户下时间价值感对决策偏好的影响. 心理学进展, 6(3), 305-313. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.63040


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