Analysis of Female Image in Legend of White Snake from the Perspective of Psychology
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2016.66095, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,127  浏览: 3,647 
作者: 李 燕:天津外国语大学国际传媒学院,天津
关键词: 白蛇意象精神分析心理分析神话历史化Image of White Snake Psychoanalysis Analytical Psychology Myth History
摘要: 中国四大传说之一《白蛇传》,塑造了白娘子这一经典女性形象。白蛇传传说从宋话本至今演绎出不同版本的故事情节。本文从白蛇传的视角解读中国女性意象进化的历史,了解中国特定发展历史阶段的庶民的独特心理,不同时代男性潜意识中女性的意象。分析人与超自然的动物的恋爱,实际上人间情爱与社会秩序的冲突,是男女性别之间的对抗。
Abstract: Bai Niangzi is created as the classical female image in Legend of White Snake, one of the Four Great legends in China. There are different versions of Legend of White Snake from Song Dynasty until now which represent the mind of common people, evolution of female images in the male’s sub- consciousness. The thesis focuses on White Snake of love relationship between human being and super animal to reveal conflicts between women and men, folk love and social order by analyzing the change of the female images.
文章引用:李燕 (2016). 《白蛇传》女性意象的心理分析. 心理学进展, 6(6), 732-737. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.66095


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