A Primary Study on the Religious Culture Landscape Regional Differentiation Based on GIS in Shandong Province
DOI: 10.12677/GSER.2016.53017, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 2,079  浏览: 4,379 
作者: 吴元芳:枣庄学院旅游与资源环境学院,山东 枣庄;袁 红:山东临沂市临沭县古龙岗中学,山东 临沂
关键词: 宗教文化景观地域分异山东省GIS技术The Religious Cultural Landscape Regional Differentiation Shandong Province GIS Technology
摘要: 山东省是一个文化资源大省,具有悠久的历史文化和丰富的文化资源。山东省内有基督教、伊斯兰教、佛教和道教四种传统宗教。各种宗教在此留下了丰富而宝贵的宗教文化景观。尤其是宗教建筑各有特色,并与地貌、气候及当地的文化习俗相得益彰,是丰富多彩的地域文化景观的重要组成部分。本文对山东省宗教文化景观的类型和生存现状进行调查,运用GIS技术对山东省内宗教文化景观的地域分异特征进行探讨,并分析其形成原因。丰富了山东省宗教文化景观的研究内容,指出了各地市宗教文化景观的管理和应用存在的问题,以期为今后更好的发挥宗教文化景观的社会功能提供借鉴。
Abstract: Shandong province is a large province, which has long historical culture and rich cultural resources. Shandong province has four traditional religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Taoism. Various religions leave rich and valuable religious cultural landscape here. Especially, religious buildings have their own characteristics. The topography, climate, and local cultural practices complement with each other; they are important parts of the various geographical and cultural landscape. In this paper, author invests and analyzes the type and the survival status of the religious cultural landscape of Shandong province by collecting information, and studies regional differentiation characteristics of religious cultural landscape by the GIS technology, and analyzes its causes. It enriches contents of religious cultural landscape of Shandong province, and points out the problems in the management and application of the religious cultural landscape around the city. Author hopes to provide a reference for playing the social function of the religious cultural landscape in the future better.
文章引用:吴元芳, 袁红. 基于GIS的山东省宗教文化景观地域分异初探[J]. 地理科学研究, 2016, 5(3): 166-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/GSER.2016.53017


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