The Representation of the Silk Road Culture in Chinese Traditional Animation
DOI: 10.12677/ARL.2016.52002, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 2,031  浏览: 5,251 
作者: 江 超*:首都师范大学,北京
关键词: 宗教装饰元素丝路文化传统动画民族文化Religious Decorative Elements Silk Road Local Animation National Culture
摘要: 在中国早期传统优秀动画的制作过程中,从创作题材的选定、美术风格或人物设计等,都深深受到了丝路文化的影响,而这种影响不仅使得在那一时期创作的动画作品因风格独特而大放光彩,还将中国本土动画的制作水准推向了制高点。甚至至今,即便仰仗着高端科技为依托的制作手段和更加高效的实现技术,当代中国本土动画也无法再创那一时期的辉煌。由此便可知,先进的技术与高效的设备并不是决定动画作品质量的决定因素;文化与内涵的融入、现实观与历史感的结合和对先人所创造的灿烂文化的崇拜与虚心求教,本着这样的创作精神才是做出好作品的第一步。
Abstract: Early Chinese excellent traditional animation was deeply influenced by the Silk Road culture in the manufacturing process including the selection of the creative themes and the design of art style or character. This effect not only made the animation works of that period unique and glorious greatly, but also made the China’s domestic animation production level to the high ground. Today, we can create animation works by using high-end science and technology and more efficient implementation technique, but the contemporary Chinese animation can not achieve the glory of that period. Therefore, it is known that advanced technology and efficient equipment are not determining factors on the quality of animation works; The creation spirit includes the integration of culture and connotation, the combination of reality and history , the worship and humbly learning of the history and splendid culture created by our ancestors. The first step in the creation of good works is to have such a spirit.
文章引用:江超. 丝路文化在中国传统动画中的体现[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2016, 5(2): 7-16. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ARL.2016.52002


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