Review and Prospect of Matching Patterns of Agricultural Water and Arable Land Resources under the Background of Climate Change in Northeast China
摘要: 东北地区是国家重要的粮食主产区和商品粮基地,肩负着保障国家粮食安全的重任。农业水土资源配置问题关系到粮食生产格局的演变方向。在全球气候变暖的背景下,雨养农业特征明显的东北地区水土资源时空耦合状况也发生了改变。目前,国家或区域尺度上农业水土资源配置的研究成果较多,还需应用最新研究成果丰富农业水土资源配置的基本内涵,从长时间序列和栅格尺度上深入开展农业水土资源的时空耦合研究,这既有助于实现水土资源空间均衡、系统治理的目标,也是进一步开展气候变化背景下东北地区农业水土资源评价、种植结构调整的现实需求。
Abstract: Northeast China is both an important grain producing area and the commodity grain base, which takes up the heavy responsibility of keeping national grain security. The matching patterns of ag-ricultural water and arable land resources relate to the evolutional direction of regional food production pattern. With the trend of global warming, the matching patterns of agricultural water and arable land resources from the prospects of spatial and temporal distribution in Northeast China have changed, whose rain fed agriculture features are obvious. Studies on the matching patterns of agricultural water and arable land resources are abundant based on national and re-gional scale now, but we still need further research from the longer time series and the higher grid scale, which will help decision-makers to achieve spatial balance and systematic management on better matching the agricultural water and arable land resources, and it also has important prac-tical significance on agricultural water and arable land resources evaluation and planting structure adjustment under the background of climate change.
文章引用:张郁. 气候变化背景下东北地区农业水土资源配置研究动态与展望[J]. 农业科学, 2016, 6(5): 121-125. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HJAS.2016.65018


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