Discussion of the Conflict and a Partial Compatibility between the Measurement Ideas of Dirac and Landau
摘要: 对于狄拉克与朗道关于量子测量观念的冲突,考虑爱因斯坦与波尔关于物理实在论的争论和牛顿的关于测量的观点,借鉴经典物理实验的直接测量和间接测量的概念,本文尝试在量子力学框架内提出相应的概念,探讨将狄拉克的量子测量观念与朗道的部分观念,在量子力学中进行兼容。
Abstract: For the conflict between the measurement ideas of Dirac and Landau, considering the argument about the physical reality between Einstein and Bohr, and Newton’s measurement idea, using the concepts of direct measurement and indirect measurement in classical physical experiments for reference, we try to put forward the corresponding concepts within the framework of quantum mechanics, and discuss the compatibility between Dirac’s measurement idea and a part of Lan-dau’s in quantum mechanics.
文章引用:曾天海. 狄拉克与朗道关于量子测量观念的冲突与部分兼容的探讨[J]. 现代物理, 2016, 6(6): 177-182. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MP.2016.66017


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