The Effect of Transactional Leadership on Organizational Commitment—The Organizational Culture as Mediation
DOI: 10.12677/MM.2016.66025, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,820  浏览: 4,597 
作者: 庄育诗*, 张成玮:健行科技大学,国际企业经营系,台湾 桃园;李苹娟:中原大学,企业管理学系,台湾 桃园
关键词: 交易型领导组织情感承诺创新型文化Transactional Leadership Organizational Commitment Organization Innovation Cultural
摘要: 领导能力是一个能够增加一个团体获得愿景或目标的能力。它是公司或组织与组织员工互动的组织管理要素一,领导阶层素质与领导者领导能力对组织的员工流动损失率有很大的影响。领导能力更是组织实现其利润目标和策略目标的重要武器,没有它组织就无法实现其主要目标, (Sarros & Santora, 2001) [1]。本研究是针对产业的基层员工,共计发放250份问卷,回收222份问卷,扣除8份无效问卷,共计回收214份有效问卷,有效回收率85.6%。并以结构方程模型(SEM)进行假说检定分析及中介检定分析。研究结果发现交易型领导对组织情感承诺有显著影响;交易型领导对创新型文化具显著影响;交易型领导对组织情感承诺中创新型文化具部分中介效果。
Abstract: Leadership is the ability to add a group to a vision or goal. It is the element ability to interact with employees. Leadership quality and leader leadership style have a significant impact on the organization’s employee turnover rate. Leadership power is the important capability to lead organization to achieve its profit targets and strategic objectives (Sarros, & Santora, 2001) [1]. In this study, a total of 250 questionnaires were dispatched to the primary workers of the traditional industries. 222 valid questionnaires were collected and 8 invalid questionnaires were retrieved. A total of 214 valid questionnaires were used for data analysis and the effective recovery rate was 85.6%. The results show that transactional leadership has a significant impact on organizational emotional commitment. Transactional leadership has a significant impact on innovative culture. The effect of transactional leadership on the organizational commitment and the organization innovation cultural act as a partial mediation role.
文章引用:庄育诗, 张成玮, 李苹娟. 交易型领导对组织承诺之影响以组织文化中介检定[J]. 现代管理, 2016, 6(6): 192-199. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/MM.2016.66025


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