Research on Maritime Literature sources—Database, Website and Open Access Resource
摘要: 文献源是文献生产、发行的主要来源,是图书情报单位采集文献信息的基地和源泉。正确地认识、研究和掌握海事类文献源的出处和类别,对海事院校图书馆的特色资源建设和学科服务都有着十分重要的意义。本文作为“中外海事类文献源调研”项目综述的第三部分,主要通过对国内外海事类的数据库、资讯性网站和OA资源的搜集、汇总和介绍,能够让图书馆的采访人员及学科馆员对该学科的专业特性及其不同文献源的各自功能和优长资源有所了解,以便在今后的文献建设及学科服务工作中有的放矢地加以选择和利用,使我校图书馆的特色职能得到充分发挥,为我校主干主体学科的发展和创新做出应有的贡献。
Abstract: Literature source is the main source of literature production and distribution, and it is the base of the collection information of the library. It is a great significance for literature construction and subject service of maritime University to correctly study the source and category of maritime literature source. In this paper, as a summary of the third part from "Research on Maritime Literature sources" project. Mainly by domestic and international maritime information website database, and OA resource collection, summary and introduction, can let the interviewer and subject librarians understand the respective function of the characteristics of the disciplines and different sources of literature the advantages and resources, in order to document construction and development in future work in the service object can select and use, make our library special functions into full play, make a contribution to the development and innovation of our main subject disciplines.
文章引用:吴蔚群, 王静, 齐文阁. 中外海事类文献源调研—数据库、资讯性网站及开放获取资源[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2016, 1(1): 1-10. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2016.11026


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