Discussion on the Mathematical Errors of Einstein 's Space - time Transformation
摘要: 爱因斯坦从迈-莫实验及洛仑兹变换式得到启示,认为光速在坐标系运动时保持不变,量杆长度却可变。但是当主观设定光速不变而否定光速可变时,则间接否定了伽利略变换或经典矢量运算法则,只好通过张冠李戴、否定长度确定性等等错误手段,迂回而“成功”导出洛仑兹变换式,其中最明显的错误是光的正向传播与反向传播所得到的坐标值不统一,犯了世人罕见的非同一性错误。空间确定原则是确定论和规律论的最基本原则,允不得丝毫动摇,空间确定是一切度量衡的最终依据,也是运动的根本依据,运动是依据距离创造时间的过程,静止对象的时间是他物运动所赋予的,时间是空间的衍生物,终归是意识而非存在——时间需要被解释,其一般地与速率互动变化,并由此维护空间的确定性。
Abstract: Einstein got inspiration from the Michelson - Morley experiment and Lorentz transformation,in which the speed of light is considered to be constant while the coordinate system is moving, and the length of the measuring rod is variable, but Michelson-Morley Experiment itself is wrong, gave it a false revelation. When subjectively deny speed of light is variable, then indirectly denied the Galilean transformation, had by Zhang Guan Li Dai, and non-deterministic, and so error means, devious and "success" export Lorentz transformation formula. One of the most obvious error is the light of the positive and negative propagation of the coordinates of the coordinate values are not unified, committed the world's most disgrace non-identity error.But the Deterministic Principle of Space is a basic principle to set theory of law, can not allow the slightest shake, and the ultimate basis of all weights and measures, also the fundamental basis of movement, movement is the process to create time.
文章引用:刘华山. 探讨爱氏变换式的数理错误[J]. 汉斯预印本, 2016, 1(1): 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/HANSPrePrints.2016.11028


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