The Influence of the Thought of Changes in Zhouyi on Chinese Medicine Theories
摘要: 本文从变易观的角度探讨了《周易》哲学对传统中医理论的影响,认为传统中医的辨证论治思想明显源于易学的变易思维,强调把握阴阳变化之道,在临床上注重疾病的个体差异性,提倡灵活施治、随机应变是辨证论治的精髓所在。传统中医的辨证论治理念与《周易》哲学的变易观一脉相承,充分体现了中国传统文化灵活制宜、强调变通的人文精神。
Abstract: This paper has explored the influence of the philosophy of the change view in Zhouyi on Traditional Chinese Medicine theories. It suggested that the theory of “determination of treatment based in pathogenesis through differentiation of symptoms and signs” of Traditional Chinese Medicine was obviously learnt from the philosophy of the thought of Changes in Zhouyi study. It emphasizes the interaction between Yin and Yang and individual differences of disease in clinical practice, and promotes flexible treatment and changes with syndrom type, which is the essence of “de- termination of treatment based in pathogenesis through differentiation of symptoms and signs”. “Determination of treatment based in pathogenesis through differentiation of symptoms and signs” of Traditional Chinese Medicine is in line with the changing view of the philosophy of Zhouyi, which fully embodies the flexible system of traditional Chinese culture and emphasizes the flexible humanistic spirit.
文章引用:罗桂青, 李磊. 试论《周易》变易观对中医理论的影响[J]. 国学, 2016, 4(4): 55-59. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/CnC.2016.44008


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