The Advances of Boredom Study
摘要: 无聊(boredom)是日常生活中人们很容易体验到的一种情绪,大量研究表明无聊同人们的社会功能的很多方面存在相关。有关无聊的研究主要涉及学业成就、工作表现、进食行为、驾驶行为、心理异常等方面。近来有关无聊的认知研究吸引了研究者的注意,包括无聊与注意、创造力的关系等。有关无聊成因的理论探讨主要包括:心理动力学理论、低刺激模型、强制努力模型、控制–价值模型和情绪调节模型。
Abstract: Boredom is a kind of usual feeling people may experience in their daily lives. A fast growing lite-rature suggests that boredom is linked with many aspects of human’s social functions, such as academic achievements, work performances, eating behaviors, driving behaviors, and mental health states. More recently, the study of boredom concerning cognition processes has captured researchers’ attention, such as the relationship between boredom and attention or creativity. Re-lated theoretical explanations mainly include psychodynamic theory, under-stimulation model, force-effort model, control-value model and emotion regulation model.
文章引用:张莹, 曾建敏 (2016). 有关“无聊”研究的新进展. 心理学进展, 6(12), 1323-1335. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AP.2016.612167


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