Application of BPCC Talent Training Mode in Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Field
摘要: 应用BPCC特色人才培养模式于水利水电工程专业,构建了水利水电工程专业BPCC特色创新型人才培养框架。框架突出了“宽基础、强实践、重特色、育创新”的培养特色,从“重基础、强实践”的专业课程体系、创新人才培养的阶梯式实践教学体系、创新实践教学方法与形式三个层面拓展实现途径,提出了同步行业导向的课程改革、已有课程的实践性强化、以精品课建设促特色教学质量、贯穿型实践教学促递进式能力培养、探索探究性实验新方法,保持实践教学时效性、增加工程软件讲解与模拟实务,快速对接就业需求、虚实结合,将知识直接面向应用、渗透就业需求和行业精神教育,培养行业螺丝钉等一系列培养手段与措施,为水利水电工程专业特色创新型人才培养提供了一套新思路和新模式。
Abstract: A well-known talents training mode, combining base-practice-characteristics-creation (BPCC), is introduced in water conservancy and hydropower engineering teaching and a new BPCC-based mode can serve for undergraduate education in water conservancy and hydropower engineering field, which is put forward in this paper, characterized as pursuing broad basic knowledge, more practical training, characteristics and innovation. In this mode, a series of measures is proposed from three aspects of course plan, practice teaching and teaching style & method, such as market-demand-orien- ted curriculum reform, strengthening practice teaching in existing curriculums, construction of top- quality curriculum and ladder-style practical teaching system, increasing the proportion of inquiry experiment, stimulant teaching and professionalism education in undergraduate education. Finally, all the measures within BPCC framework are integrated orderly and form a new approach for talent training in water conservancy and hydropower engineering field.
文章引用:张洪波, 钱会, 卢玉东, 刘招, 孙东永, 程大伟. BPCC特色人才培养模式在水利水电工程专业的应用[J]. 教育进展, 2017, 7(1): 14-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/AE.2017.71003


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