Community Elderly Service Current Situation and Problems of “Medical Support Combination” Research—Based on the Empirical Analysis of Beijing
DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2017.61011, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,912  浏览: 4,108  国家科技经费支持
作者: 汪连新, 张金霞, 袁 炜, 娄萌萌:中华女子学院金融系,北京
关键词: 医养结合现状调查政策建议Medical Support Combination Current Situation Investigation Policy Suggestion
摘要: 随着社会经济的发展,中国人口的老龄化在不断的加剧,人口快速老龄化带来新的挑战,养老服务成为老年保障的核心,医疗和服务对老年人来说是密不可分的整体需求,但是中国医疗和服务隶属不同行政主管部门而分割开来,存在诸多的运行障碍。以北京社区实施“医养结合”试点为研究对象,调查结果显示,社区医养结合存在的障碍主要有社区医疗水平不高、基础设施不完善、政府责任不明确等。本文针对国家“医养结合”政策文件,提出若干政策建议。
Abstract: With the development of social economy, Chinese aging population has increased continuously; rapid population aging brings new challenges; pension services become the core of old-age secu-rity; medical service and the overall demand are closely related to the elderly, but Chinese medical service belongs to different administrative departments and is separated, which exists many obstacles for the Beijing community. To make the implementation of the medical support combined pilot as the research object, according to the survey results, the main barriers include community medical level is not high; infrastructure is not perfect; the government responsibility is not clear. According to the national medical support combined with policy documents, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions.
文章引用:汪连新, 张金霞, 袁炜, 娄萌萌. 社区老年服务“医养结合”现状及问题调查研究—基于北京市实证分析[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(1): 92-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.61011


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