Research on the Development and Protection of Historical and Cultural Heritage Resources of Hainan Province
DOI: 10.12677/GSER.2017.61005, PDF, HTML, XML,  被引量 下载: 1,875  浏览: 4,235 
作者: 毕荣鑫:云南师范大学旅游与地理科学学院,云南 昆明
关键词: 历史文化遗产开发保护海南省Historical and Cultural Heritage Resources Development Protection Hainan Province
摘要: 历史文化遗产是指具有一定历史意义,与人类生活密切相关,存在历史价值的文物、民俗、技艺等。海南省具有丰富的历史文化遗产,其开发对建设海南国际旅游岛具有重要的意义。但经笔者的调查研究发现,海南省历史文化遗产的开发与保护仍存在较多问题,主要表现在管理不当,开发模式相对落后等方面,因此,不仅阻碍了海南文化遗产的利用与发扬,也削弱了海南省文化旅游的影响力与吸引力,给海南省历史文化遗产的开发与保护增加了新的困难。故对于海南省历史文化遗产的开发与保护,笔者提出以下建议:普及传统历史文化的价值与意义,提高群众自觉地保护意识;规范历史文化遗产的管理方式,做到开发与保护同步;合理规划现代化建设,规避历史文化遗产保护与城市化建设之间的矛盾;加强基础设施建设等。
Abstract: Historical and cultural heritage refers to a certain historical significance, is closely related to human life, the presence of artifacts of historical value, folklore, art and so on. Hainan Province is rich in historical and cultural heritage, and the development of historical and cultural heritage is of great significance to the construction of Hainan international tourist island. But the author’s investigation found that, there are many problems in the development and protection of the historical and cultural heritage of Hainan Province, mainly in the uncoordinated development and protection, the lack of cultural heritage protection awareness, backward cultural tourism industry and so on. Thus, not only hindered the use and development of Hainan cultural heritage, but also weakened the influence and attractiveness of cultural tourism in Hainan Province, cause new difficulties to the development and protection of historical and cultural heritage of Hainan Province. Therefore, in order to the development and protection of historical and cultural heritage in Hainan Province, the author made the following recommendations: popularizing the value and significance of traditional culture and culture, improving the conscious protection of the masses consciously; regulating the management of historical and cultural heritage, doing the development and protection of synchronization; rational planning of modern construction, to avoid the historical and cultural heritage protection and urbanization between the contradictions; strengthening infrastructure construction and so on.
文章引用:毕荣鑫. 海南历史文化遗产资源开发与保护研究[J]. 地理科学研究, 2017, 6(1): 35-48. https://doi.org/10.12677/GSER.2017.61005


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