From Topic Correspondence to Theory Construction—An Analysis of the Development Path of Ecofeminism
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作者: 邝利芬:萍乡学院,江西 萍乡;南开大学,天津
关键词: 女性主义生态主义生态女性主义女性与自然Feminism Ecologism Ecofeminism Female and Nature
摘要: 随着生态环境的恶化以及女性参与生态保护实践的发展,生态主义和女性主义由于女性与自然的主题对应性从而实现了完美的结合,实现了生态女性主义多元理论体系的构建。在这一过程中,生态女性主义一方面加进了生态要素批判和完善了传统女性主义,另一方面又在有关解放女性道路、拓展实践领域、批判二元论体系方面超越了传统女性主义。
Abstract: With the deterioration of ecological environment and the development of practice and research of women’s participating in ecological problems, ecofeminism gradually developed to be a theoretical system of diversity from a theory on the correlation of women and nature. During this process, on the one hand, ecofeminism added the ecological elements to the traditional fe-minism to criticize and perfect it, and on the other hand, ecofeminism excelled the traditional feminism on the accesses of women’s liberation, the areas of feminist’s practice, criticism of the dualism system.
文章引用:邝利芬. 从主题对应到理论构建—生态女性主义发展路径研究[J]. 社会科学前沿, 2017, 6(3): 240-248. https://doi.org/10.12677/ASS.2017.63032


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