Analysis on Animation Attitudes of College Students
DOI: 10.12677/AP.2017.73030, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,743  浏览: 4,097 
作者: 钱婷婷, 孙传波:曲阜师范大学心理学系,山东 曲阜
关键词: 动漫态度动漫亚文化大学生民间文化Animation Attitudes Animation Subculture College Students Folk Psychology
摘要: 随着社会经济的进步和网络技术的不断升级,动漫已经成为全球性的产业。动漫文化也在动漫爱好者的追捧和传播下逐渐发展成为独特的社会现象和文化现象。当前国内学者对此的研究集中在艺术、传播、教育等领域,在心理学领域就大学生的动漫态度进行研究的还相对较少。基于了解大学生群体对动漫的态度和看法的目的,本文采用问卷调查法,以曲阜师范大学的在校学生为样本,探析我国大学生的动漫态度。研究发现:动漫在大学生中有高普及率;在动漫作品的选择上是喜好鲜明的;在参与动漫相关的活动时较为理性,以减压放松为主。
Abstract: With the rapid development of economic and the upgrading network technology, animation has already become a global industry. Animation and manga culture have also developed gradually into a unique cultural and social phenomenon by its popularity among fans. Currently, domestic scholars have their research focused on the area of art, communication science, education science etc. However, the field of psychology is less involved. On the basis of understanding the college students’ attitudes and opinions on animation and manga, taking students in Qufu Normal University as samples, this study has methodologically adopted questionnaire survey to analyze their attitudes on animation and manga. According to the results, animation and manga have high penetration among college students, they have their own choices on animation and comics, and they are rather rational when participating in relevant activities.
文章引用:钱婷婷, 孙传波 (2017). 我国大学生动漫态度的探析. 心理学进展, 7(3), 230-238. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.73030


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