Preparation of Active Zinc Oxide from Fluorine and Arsenic Containing Zinc Oxide Fume Dusts
DOI: 10.12677/MEng.2017.41005, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,875  浏览: 4,709 
作者: 章泽峰, 曹华珍, 伍廉奎, 郑国渠:浙江工业大学材料科学与工程学院,浙江 杭州
关键词: 氧化锌烟灰浸出除砷氟水解氧化锌Zinc Oxide Fume Dusts Leaching Arsenic and Fluorine Removal Hydrolyzation Zinc Oxide
摘要: 以氧化锌烟灰为原料,采用NH3-NH4Cl溶液浸出,浸出液采用FeCl3作为除砷剂进行除砷,采用CaCl2作为除氟剂进行除氟,再经锌粉置换除杂和活性炭吸附处理后,采用浓盐酸调节pH进行沉锌、进而进行二次加水水解转化和煅烧以制备活性氧化锌。研究结果表明,在NH4Cl浓度4mol/L、NH3•H2O浓度2mol/L、浸出温度50℃、浸出时间1h的浸出条件下,锌的浸出率达到98%以上。当nFe/nAs= 5时,FeCl3作为除砷剂除砷率达到99.7%;当nCa/nF= 1时,CaCl2作为除氟剂除氟率达到98.5%。采用浓盐酸调节pH至6.70时,Zn(NH3)2Cl2沉淀的析出率达到最大,为82.85%。Zn(NH3)2Cl2沉淀物经一次水解转化得到Zn(OH)1.6Cl0.4,经二次水解转化得到Zn(OH)2,再经500℃煅烧2h后可得活性氧化锌,产品质量均达到HG/T2572-2012标准指标,锌的直收率达80%以上。
Abstract: Zinc oxide fume dusts as raw material were leached with NH3-NH4Cl solution. The arsenic and flu-orine in leaching solution were removed with FeCl3 and CaCl2 respectively. After the zinc powder displacement process and activated carbon adsorption treatment, precipitation of Zn(NH3)2Cl2 was carried out by adjusting the pH value of leaching solution with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Then active zinc oxide was prepared from two-step hydrolytic conversion of Zn(NH3)2Cl2 followed by calcination. The results show that the zinc leaching rate is more than 98% at the condition of 4 mol/L NH4Cl, 2 mol/L NH3•H2O, leaching temperature and leaching time of 50˚C and 1 h. The re-moval rates of arsenic and fluorine are 99.7% and 98.5% respectively when the molar ratio of Fe to As is 5 and Ca to F is 1. The precipitation rate of Zn(NH3)2Cl2 reaches its maximum, which is 82.85% at pH = 6.7. The products of two-step hydrolytic conversion are Zn(OH)1.6Cl0.4 and Zn(OH)2 in sequence. Active zinc oxide is finally obtained by calcination at 500˚C for 2 hours. The quality of product is up to the standards of HG/T2572-2012 and the direct recovery rate of zinc is above 80%.
文章引用:章泽峰, 曹华珍, 伍廉奎, 郑国渠. 含氟、砷氧化锌烟灰制备活性氧化锌[J]. 冶金工程, 2017, 4(1): 34-42. https://doi.org/10.12677/MEng.2017.41005


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