The Optimal Design of UHF PIFA Array Antenna
DOI: 10.12677/OJCS.2017.61003, PDF, HTML, XML, 下载: 1,764  浏览: 3,896  科研立项经费支持
作者: 谷 成, 轩秀巍, 明 强, 任福源, 薛宏利:天津理工大学电子信息工程学院,天津
关键词: 平面倒F天线超高频阵列天线PIFA Ultra-High Frequency Array Antenna
摘要: 随着无线电技术的进步,阵列天线在无线电系统中被广泛应用。平面倒F天线(PIFA)具有成本低,易生产,效率高的特点。本文首先分析了不同弯折线数目、高度对平面倒F天线性能的影响,提出了优化的平面倒F天线,并以此为单元建立了超高频段阵列天线。通过HFSS仿真和实物测试,证明了该天线在超高频段的优秀性能。
Abstract: With the developing of radio technology, array antenna is widely used in radio system. And planar inverted-F antennas have advantage of low cost, easy production, and high efficiency. In this paper, the influence of the number and height of bending lines on the performance of the planar inverted-F antenna is analyzed. An optimized planar inverted-F antenna is proposed, and an ultra-high frequency array antenna is built up. The HFSS simulation and the physical test prove the excellent performance of the antenna in the UHF band.
文章引用:谷成, 轩秀巍, 明强, 任福源, 薛宏利. 超高频段PIFA阵列天线的优化设计[J]. 电路与系统, 2017, 6(1): 21-31. https://doi.org/10.12677/OJCS.2017.61003


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