基于Geomagic spark的手扶式插秧机变速箱箱体重构
Optimum Design of Transmission Box for Hand-Held Transplanter Based on Geomagic Spark
摘要: 变速箱是插秧机的核心部件之一。本文针对插秧机变速箱箱体改造,应用逆向工程软件Geomagic spark来重构变速箱箱体,并对其进行优化设计。首先,利用手持式激光扫描仪对变速箱箱体进行扫描,获取三维点云数据;再利用正逆向混合软件Geomagic spark对扫描得到的点云数据进行三角形网格模型重建;依据三角形网格数据重构变速箱箱体的三维几何模型。根据得到的三维几何模型对模型进行优化,最后在SolidWorks Simulation中进行有限元分析,为箱体的优化设计提供了理论基础。利用逆向工程技术对插秧机变速箱箱体进行优化,可以缩短设计周期,降低设计成本。
Abstract: The gearbox is one of the core components of the transplanter. In this paper, according to the transformation of the gearbox body, Geomagic spark, a reverse engineering software, is applied to reconstruct the gearbox body, and then the optimization design is made on it. Firstly, the gearbox is scanned by hand-held laser scanner, and the 3D point cloud data is obtained. Then, the point cloud is reconstructed by using the Geomagic spark software. The three dimensional geometric model of transmission box is reconstructed by using the triangular mesh data. According to the obtained three dimensional geometric models, the model is optimized. Finally, the finite element analysis is carried out in Solid-Works Simulation, which provides a theoretical basis for the optimization design of the box. Using reverse engineering technology to optimize the transplanter gearbox, it can shorten the design cycle and reduce design costs.


文章引用:曹伟龙, 王亚萍, 杜善琦, 陈春辉, 吴佳腾. 基于Geomagic spark的手扶式插秧机变速箱箱体重构[J]. 机械工程与技术, 2017, 6(1): 60-67. https://doi.org/10.12677/MET.2017.61009


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