Analysis of Chinese Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools in Local Engineering Universities
摘要: 在经济多元化、全球化发展的大趋势下,我国面临着巨大的机遇与挑战,高等教育急需培养出面向世界的复合型人才,因此开展中外合作办学是当务之急。省属地方高校由于优势相对薄弱,更应合理制定合作办学模式,本文主要从我国地方高校合作办学的现状解读入手,分析地方高校合作办学模式存在的主要问题,提出工科类地方高校中外合作办学模式的发展策略,对推动我国高等教育国际化发展具有一定指导意义和借鉴价值。
Abstract: Under the trend of economic diversification and globalization, our country is facing great oppor-tunities and challenges, higher education needs to cultivate the interdisciplinary talents facing the world, so to carry out the Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in running schools is the top priority. Due to the advantages of relatively weak, provincial local colleges should be more reasonable to develop cooperation in running schools. This paper starts with the current situation of the cooperative education in local colleges and universities in China, analyzes the main problems in the mode of cooperative education in local colleges and universities, puts forward the development strategy of Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in running schools for engineering, which has certain guiding sig-nificance and reference value for promoting the internationalization of higher education in china.
文章引用:唐丽云, 戴俊, 尚长春, 邱继生. 地方工科型高校中外合作办学模式分析[J]. 职业教育, 2017, 6(2): 61-64. https://doi.org/10.12677/VE.2017.62012


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