The Impact of Air Pollution on Inter-Temporal Choice Behavior
摘要: 当今雾霾天气日益严重,我们逐渐认识到雾霾天气不仅给我们的身体健康、工作和生活带来严重危害,也让人们对生存的环境日感忧虑,甚至心理恐慌。本研究通过问卷调查的方法,深入探索空气质量对人们跨期选择行为的影响。结果表明,空气质量会对人们的跨期选择行为产生影响,重度污染下个体将更多地表现出当下自我节制及对远期环境结果的偏好,空气污染产生的焦虑心境是空气质量和跨期选择行为的部分中介变量。
Abstract: With the haze becoming significantly serious, we realized it is not only harmful to the people’s health, work and life, but also makes people anxious about the environment and even causes psychological panic. This study explores that the air quality affects inter-temporal choices of people. And the result shows that the air quality affects people’s intertemporal choice behavior: under the serious pollution, individuals will prefer to the long-term environmental results. Moreover, the mood affected by air pollution is a mediator between weather and inter-temporal choice behavior.
文章引用:王仁瑾, 唐辉 (2017). 空气污染对跨期选择行为的影响. 心理学进展, 7(4), 596-601. https://doi.org/10.12677/AP.2017.74073


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